Wednesday 22 August 2012

Magical identity

Couple of days ago I was struck with idea about how private secret name versus publicly used nicknames is very similar in fantasy books like Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin and in modern Internet world. 

All those privacy concerns regarding exposing your SSN, birth date, full name, personal information. Surely 'identity theft' seems similar to special powers knowing mages name gives in fantasy world. There, with a known name, one can conjure up more powerful spells to destroy the person, while on the internet, with some personal data powered google-fu foe (or prospective employer) can find out things about your past and present, that could pretty much be likened to 3rd level fireball at career potential. Not to mention possibilities of empty bank accounts, destroyed romance-to-be and pity in the eyes of your children. 

Heroes of fantasy worlds (I am sure this idea has been exploited in many novels as well as being essential part of at least three distinct cultures in early dark ages), fought with this dark side of naming, by keeping their identities secret. Only closest relatives were allowed to know their names and for the rest of the world, they went by silly nicknames, that become less and less silly as more power and skills got acquired over the years. 

In late nineties, when Internet was still not in everyones phone, TV and fridge, all the identity that could be lost'n'found was nickname in IRC or mailing list. Since then, possibilities have grown considerably. Gigabytes of social history in Facebook, Twitter and that dating site you vowed to never go back again.  Every web browsing bit remembered by some tasting looking cookies. Global payment history just click away in Paypal, Google checkout and internet version of your bank. Your medical records stored in lowest-bidder built government software. Every torrent you have ever downloaded, stored somewhere, yes, including those very badly named torrents you downloaded from the site you registered account using your teenage nickname. Every stupid comment (non-stupid comments are a rarity, you must admit that if you look at your past commenting, right?) you have posted at any hotly debated political, technological or plain yellow news story in your news portal. 

Heck, do you remember that kinky toy you bought on Ebay to present on your best friends bachelor party? Stored!

So idea is simple - have private name private and have nickname public. Or more than one nickname. Can you imagine the world, where medical records and other such very personal facts are kept under your real name, which only your mom and dad knows, while everything you do on the internet, or in shop, or in class, or work, is done under various public names. 

How cool would be the fact, that you could have kid name from age 1 to 12, then you change schools and start new place with the new name. Or maybe just move to next class with new name - do you even remember names of your classmates in grade six? Their surnames? If they would have different ones in 7th grade, it would take long time to remember anything about first six years of miserable period of life called school. 

And then comes teenage years - have you read soppy letters teenage girls write to teen magazines? In perfect world they would like them erased when they hit eighteen birthday. And that could be possible, if they would change their name to something new when high school is finished or 18th birthday comes, whatever is later.

And then you would start your adult life with no excess baggage to possibly drag you down later. 
Wait. On the other hand, maybe we should introduce another name change, when 25th or 27th birthday is there - early tweens is not the most adult part of many memories. Let that gone-wild identity be past as well. Just carry SSL proven college diploma into adult chapter of your life and that is. 

And worried about separating private and work life even after that? Keep your Linkedin and Facebook names separate! Tweet about being gay, walking eight dogs, having slight hangover on Tuesday and having a crush for your boss without fearing repercussions on next company picnic.

Want to connect to some work-friends socially as well? Share your private life name, no problem. It is not like it is your real name after all. 

Only mom knows that.